Hi, my name is

Jordan Hendy.

And I like to build things for the web.

I currently work as a project technician, configuring a bespoke system and utilising web technologies to provide clients with a web based portal for their events.

Please check out some of my personal projects bellow:


About Me

This site is still a work in progress and I am working on the content for it currently. However all the functionality is here.

My Experience

My current experience mainly revolves around the use of vanilla HTML, CSS and JavaScript, in my work I frequently have to debug and fix old / not maintained JQuery.

However, in my own time I have explored many other web technologies ranging from frontend frameworkds, such as vue and React, to using NodeJS with Express to build my own APIs or using Electron to make a desktop application.

I have completed courses on Codecademy in Vue.js, Navigation Design, Color Design, Bootstrap and JavaScript.

I used these courses to give me an introduction to these different ideas or technologies, then I went away to create my own project based on what I learnt.

Tech I have used

My Work

So far I have helped provide bespoke user portals for some large international events such as MTV events, Rugby League World Cup and SailGP

These portals have been viewed and used by thousands of people who need to work at these events

My work on these portals often includes styling to meet the clients branding and requirements using CSS, sometimes just plain CSS but others have used Bootstrap.

Or I am required to build custom pages to capture extra information from users, these are made using HTML, CSS and I use JavaScript to validate inputs when required.

*Unfortunately I cannot share examples of this work

Outside of my real work, I have worked on numerous personal projects to help myself learn and develop

One of my personal favourites is my Quote Storing Discord Bot (name not final)
This bot that is in a discord server is capable of taking a quote from a message and then storing it in a MongoDB database.
The bot is activated with a specific command, the message is then parsed and the command part is ignored so just the quote can be added to the database.

The QuoteAPI is the API to my mongoDB cluster where the quotes are storred, this API allows for records to be inserted, deleted, replaced, updated and aggregated.

Here I decided the use the substring method as it gave me an easy way to remove the part of the message to be storred as the command will always be the same and in the same place.

I included this conditional to check if the quote is empty to prevent blanks from being inserted into the database as that would ruin the second part of this project

How I get just the desired text
client.on('messageCreate' , (message) =>{
    if (message.content.substring(0, 4) === "!add"){
        let msg = message.content
        let quote = message.content.substring(4, msg.length)
        if (quote !== ""){
            quoteAPI.insetFor([{'quote': quote}])
                .then((response) => {console.log(response)})
            console.log("no quote")

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